Unit 26 - Selection and use of teaching aids

How do we select and use teaching aids?
Teaching aids are the resources and equipment available to us in the classroom, as well as the resources we can bring into the classroom. They include interactive whiteboards, computers, CD players, DVD players and overhead projectors (OHPs).

1. I like using the language laboratory because it gives all the students a chance to practice their pronunciation, listen to their own voices and improve their pronunciation.
2. The overhead projector gives me the opportunity to show corrections to the whole class without doing lots of writing on the board.
3. I collect al kind of realia wherever I go – restaurants, hotels, railway stations – so I can bring authentic materials into my lessons
4. Flashcards enable me to give prompts for drills without saying anything.
5. I always keep one part of the board for listing new vocabulary items.
6. The great thing about DVDs is that students get the chance to observe body language and facial expressions as well as listening.
7. If you know how to search – and if you have a computer – you can find almost anything on the internet.


Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. (2012). The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course Modules 1,2 and 3 (Vol. Second edition). United Kingdom: Cambridge English.

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